A day in Nairobi: Elephant Orphan Nursery

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is famous all over the world for their fantastic efforts to preserve wildlife.

Their Nairobi Orphan Nursery is an impressive place to visit when you are in the city. You hear the stories of the baby elephants who had to be rescued and brought here in order to survive. You see how much work and effort is invested into the noble, but extremely tedious task of raising young elephants, of getting them ready to live their life in the wild.
DSWT’s Orphan Nursery also raises orphan rhino’s.

Welcome to DWST Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi

The best time to arrive to DSWT Nairobi Orphan Nursery is just before 11:00 am.

Meet the rescued baby elephants here on the DWST playground

One of the senior Keepers introduces the young elephants by their names, tells why they are at the Orphanage and describes what makes each of them special.

Orphan’s introductions and their brief stories

Meanwhile, the elephants enjoy playing and interacting with each other, while visitors can get really close to them.

At 11:00 baby elephants are out on a walk

The playground and all the sights and noises makes the young ones really active. So soon it will be time to head back to a quiet place in the Nairobi National Park.

Time to take some rest after playground activities
Keepers’ work is very important for health and reintegration of orphaned baby elephants
Keepers of DSWT

We will be happy to include a visit to the Nairobi Elephant Orphanage of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust into your programme in Nairobi.

More photos and stories on our Instagram @empakaai_cultural_safari

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